Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bishop Sklba on the Vatican Document

The Most Rev. Richard J. Sklba, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee of the Roman Catholic Church, was one of several distinguished guests who spoke in honor of Secretary Lowell Almen when he received the Servus Dei Medal at the recent ELCA Assembly. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel interviewed him on August 3, 2007, noting that just one month after the publication of the recent Vatican document asserting that the Catholic Church is the one true church, Sklba "is about to find himself in what some might assume would be an uncomfortable position - addressing more than 1,000 Lutherans. Bishop Sklba, who is the co-chair of the U.S. Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue, noted that the tenth round of the dialogue (The Church as Koinonia of Salvation, 2004) proposed that "Catholic judgment on the authenticity of Lutheran ministry need not be all or nothing." The report quoted a 1993 letter from then Cardinal Ratzinger: "I count among the most important results of the ecumenical dialogues the insight that the issue of the Eucharist cannot be narrowed to the problem of validity. Even a theology oriented to the concept of succession . . . need not in any way deny the salvation granting presence of the Lord in the Lutheran Lord's Supper."


  1. There seems to be a disconnect between the Magisterium and the front line ecumenists. Which is strange, given Benedict's past positive statements about relations with the Lutheran churches. Which leads me to believe that the recent document was designed to shore up support on the home front.

  2. Hmm...thanks for following up on this. I am still occassionally doing a web scan to see any other takes, commentaries, or views on this. Hope all is well and that you are rested and ready to dive back in in a few weeks. I am about to 'get rested' as I am going to head to the family beach house for a brief time...and then the process begins in full again on the 9th and 16th of September. I'll keep ya posted.
